BLUE ABYSS 1985-2000
3月7日[木] VIP
東京国際フォーラム ホールE/ロビーギャラリー
弊廊ブース ギャラリーズ No : S034
この度コンテンポラリーHEISはアートフェア東京2024にて、菊畑茂久馬「Blue Abyss 1985-2000」を展示いたします。 菊畑は前衛集団「九州派」立上げに参画、その後中央画壇でも高く評価された。また後筑後炭鉱者を描く山本作兵衛の作品にいち早く絵画の本質を見出し、編纂した画集が行末にはユネスコ世界遺産につながるなど、生涯を通じて他軸に依存する事なく活動した作家です。
Date: March 8th - 10th, VIP Opening on March 7th
Booth#: S034
Address: Tokyo International Forum Hall E & Lobby Gallery
More information:
Contemporary HEIS is pleased to announce the exhibition of Mokuma Kikuhata's Blue Abyss 1985-2000 at Art Fair Tokyo 2024. Kikuhata was involved in the establishment of the avant-garde group Kyushu-ha (Kyushu Group) and was a highly acclaimed member of the Chuo Gadan (a group of influential Japanese artists in the early 1900’s).
Additionally, he was early to recognize the value of the works of Sakubei Yamamoto, who famously depicted the coal miners of Chikuho in a collection of paintings recognized by UNESCO as having World Heritage status. Kikuhata was an artist who worked independently throughout his life without relying on mainstream trends.